How to start a conversation about the Elijah app
Frequently Asked Questions

This app is a positive addition to a safety plan and may open up a conversation that can save a life

What can I expect when I download the Elijah App?

The Elijah App will send an automatic introductory text message to anyone whom you add to your contacts. This message will thank them for being one of your emergency contacts and give them a sample text message that will be sent if you ever hit the "24hrs" button.

How do I tell someone about this app and why I have them as my contact? By using this app am I saying that I am suicidal?

When you download this app, you are doing so because you feel like at some point, whether now or in the future, you are going to need someone in your corner, someone to support you. By downloading and using this app there is a lot you are saying and a lot you are not. You are not saying: 'I am suicidal.' 'I am thinking about hurting myself.' 'I struggle with depression and negative thinking.' You are saying: 'I care enough about myself and others that I want to set up a positive support network.' 'I feel you care about me so much that if I ever need you, you will be there when I call.'

What should I say when I reach out to my contacts about the Elijah App

Your conversation should accomplish two things. 1 - Help you contact to understand how you want them to respond when they get an alert and 2 - give you an opportunity to get any support you may need right now. It may sound like the conversations below.

What might I say when trying to add someone as my contact?

 ● You should have received a text message from my Elijah app. It is an app that I will activate whenever I feel like a need some extra support. Please don’t freak out when you get it, it is just a way for me to easily contact the people whom I know care about me. When you get this message, please call me.

● I would like to add you as a contact for an app. Whenever you get a text message from it, can you just send me a text to see how I am doing?

● At times I can get down and feeling lonely. I was hoping you would be a contact for me to reach out to whenever I felt that way. Please add this number in your phone and just reach out to me whenever it contacts you. You can find out more about this application at Visit the FAQ page.

Common Questions

Someone I care about downloaded this app, what does that mean?
It does not mean that the person who downloaded this app is suicidal nor does it mean that they ever will be. It means that someone trusts you enough to want you in their corner if they are ever feeling low. 
Should I be worried that my child/family member/friend is using this app?
No. The very action of someone using this app shows that they care, that they want to win out over any struggles that they may be having. This app is to be used in any case where the assistance of others could be helpful. It does not mean that the person you care about is in crisis. This app should, however, start a conversation.
What conversation should I have with my loved one?
It is important to find out why your loved one wants to use this app. Also, be sure to know how your loved one wants you to respond in the event of a message being sent. Assure them of your love and provide a listening ear. Allow them to talk and remain calm.
What should I ask?
It is important allow the user of this app to talk about their emotions and what really concerns them. Ask the following:
How are you feeling?
What is happening and how does that make you feel?
How long have you been feeling this way?
Have you ever thought about suicide or hurting yourself?
Should I ask about suicide?
Statistics show that asking about suicide does not put the idea of suicide into another person's mind On the contrary! asking about suicide will do one of two things, reassure you that your loved one is not thinking about killing themselves or open the door for a lifesaving conversation.
What should I do when someone says that they are thinking about suicide?
Take any mention of suicide seriously! Find out if they have a plan, how leathal this plan could be if acted upon, and how easy it is for them to act on it. Stay with the person. Remove any weapons and help them to seek professional help as soon as possible.
I am a contact, how do I save this number in my phone?
To avoid confusion, save this number under a different name than the person who sent it to you. Many have saved it as "HELP", "____ Needs You", or "The Elijah App".
Someone added me as a contact, now what?
If you have been sent an initial message thanking you for being a contact! Please add the number it came from into your contacts. Some have saved the number as "HELP", or "______ Needs You". Please contact the person who added you to see how they would like you to respond in the event of an alert being sent.
​I got an alert, can I send a text message back?
No. Text alerts can only be sent. The messaging service will not send a text message back to the person who sent an alert. Do not try to reach out to the user of the app through the text alert that was sent, they will not get it!
Can my contacts text me back?
No. The messaging service used to send the alert text messages does not allow the receiver to send text messages back to the sender. The receiver must contact the sender personally through their own messaging service. To aviod confusion, it is best to save the Elijah allert number as something different than the number of your loved one.
Does the app cost money?
No. For the user, obtaining and using this app does not cost money. This app is provided free of charge to help anyone who could possibly benefit from it. Normal data and text messaging rates do apply, however, for your contacts receiving your messages.
Do I need to download the app if someone added me as a contact?
No. The app is desigend to send text messages to all the numbers listed on the contacts page. You will receive the alert messages via text message, you do not need to download the app. Only those who wish to use this app to send out alerts need to download it.
Why label the alert button "24hrs"?
A friend once asked me to give him 24 hours before deciding to act on any of my negative feelings, 24 more hours of life. That saved my life. By hitting the "24hrs" button you are accepting my request to give me 24 more hours of life. It is my hope that the response to my request will bring you the help you need to give me 24 hours before you act on any negative thinking.